This intensive "Train the Facilitator" workshop is co-sponsored by Benton County Health Department.
CRITICAL INCIDENTS are events or crises, outside the range of usual experience, that have such significant stressful impact on a team or work unit that they overwhelm employees’ ability to cope and return to their baseline experiences. The impact can be devastating. Unaddressed, critical incidents disrupt individual functioning and devastate team morale, which leads to poor outcomes for clients.
Historical ideas about critical incident debriefing emphasized cognitively-based, protocol-driven models. New research on interpersonal neurobiology suggests that these carefully structured procedures can inadvertently create dynamics that re-traumatize and interfere with long-term integration, recovery, and healing.
This two-day “Train the Facilitator” workshop introduces an innovative, research-based model of critical incident debriefing. The model promotes the creation of healing spaces grounded in trust-building, physical and emotional self-regulation, and increased awareness of physiological responses to extreme stress. These interventions help people to move from the isolation and silence of the trauma into healing community. It is critical that agencies provide this specialized support soon after the critical incident.
BY THE END OF THIS WORKSHOP, participants will be able to:
Grasp the impact of a critical incident on the body, brain, and nervous system of all employees, as well as on team functioning and the group dynamic;
Describe a research-based model, grounded in interpersonal neurobiology, for engaging employees in healing community after a critical incident;
Clarify the role and skills of the facilitator in leading an effective, human-centered debriefing;
Utilize body-centered activities to help employees adapt in the aftermath; and
Facilitate a debriefing with reasonable confidence in the rightness of their decision-making and actions.
Approved for twelve-hours of continuing education through the National Association of Social Workers.
Tickets to this event are available through Wayne Scott, LCSW, at Eventbrite.