Direct Services
Ongoing Secondary Trauma Processing and Resiliency Skills Practice Group
Cost: 90-minute session, monthly at $225.00
A select group of workers, usually 8 to 12, attend a six-to-nine month secondary trauma processing group. This group demands a commitment of 90 minutes per month and is very effective in impacting the work culture at a deep, implicit level. All of the elements of the Toolbox of Resiliency are practiced in the context of a responsive group setting that focuses on the building of trust within the organization and encourages workers to identify their own vulnerability as a resiliency skill. One key theme in this group process is the “idealizability of vulnerability.” When the worker recognizes their vulnerability, and expresses it in a group setting, it creates a transformation of the work culture. The practicing of resiliency skills together also helps them to dynamically infiltrate the larger work force with resiliency resources.
Critical Stress Incident Debriefings (CSID)
Cost: These are usually two-hour sessions at $ 400.00
Our critical stress debriefings are aligned with the larger principles of the STAR-T process. This helps with one-time larger group interventions that are designed to remediate the impact of secondary trauma in the workforce at moments of extreme distress. These CSID interventions are not reserved for first responders. We make them available to whomever has been impacted by the traumatic material. After high-intensity trauma-inducing experiences, these interventions help to move people from the isolation and silence of the traumatized experience into engagement and communication. It is critical that these are done within close proximity to intense events. Having familiarity with secondary trauma processing skills, in general, dramatically effects the positive impact of these events.